Note: I originally posted this information at Daily Dose of Excel. I've updated it slightly, and augmented it with information from commenters.

Q: How do I open a file?

A: That round logo in the upper left corner is not just for cosmetics. It's called the Office Menu button, and it's used for a variety of purposes, including file operations. Click it.

Q. How do I get to the Excel Options dialog box?

A. Click the round Office Menu button, then click Excel Options.

Q. I clicked the round Office Menu button, but I don't see Excel Options.

A. Look at the very bottom. It's a button, not a menu item. And make sure you don't click Exit Excel by mistake.

Q: how do I hide/show the Ribbon?

A: Use Ctrl-F1 to toggle the display of the ribbon.

Q: Where did the xxxxxx command go?

A: There's a pretty good chance that it's on the ribbon somewhere. But there's also a chance that it's not on the ribbon. In the latter case, you can add the command to your QAT. Also, try using the old Excel 2003 hot keys (for example, Alt+T, I to display the Add-Ins dialog box).

Q. What's a QAT?

A. QAT is Quick Access Toolbar. This is the only user interface element that can be customized by the end user.

Q. Where are my old custom toolbars?

A. Click the Add-Ins tab and you'll see them.

Q. I can't make my old custom toolbars float.

A. No, you can't.

Q. How do I "tear off" the Fill Color icon so I can float it?

A. You can't.

Q. How do I get Help? The 'ask a question' box is gone.

A. Press F1, or click the little question mark icon in the title bar.

Q: How can I hide the status bar in Excel 2007?

A: You must use VBA to hide the status bar. Either of these statements does the job:

Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
Application.CommandBars("Status Bar").Visible = true

Q: How do I get back to the classic PivotTable wizard?

A: Press Alt+D+P

Q: Why can’t I drag fields in my PivotTable any more?

A: You can. Right click on the pivot table in question, and select PivotTable Options. Next, select the Display tab, and then place a check next to "Classic PivotTable Layout"